Our Work
2 Years of JETP: Progress and the Urgency to Accelerate
The journey of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) in Indonesia has been marked by both progress and challenges. Following the initial high expectations generated by the signing at the G20 summit in late 2022, there was significant criticism in early to mid-2023 due to concerns about the lack of grant funding and the potential…
ETC Group launches new board game
By Rosa Luxemburg |
Over the last few decades, the way in which people grow, share and eat food around the world has become a tale of two conflicting food systems–which we call the Industrial Food Chain and the Peasant Food Web. The dynamics of this conflict plays out in this new board game called Chains and Vines, conceptualized…
Who stands to gain in EU Trade deals?
By Liliane Danso-Dahmen, Josua Mata |
Image by Unsplash/Alexandre Lallemand Josua Mata is the Secretary General of SENTRO, a progressive multi-sector trade union alliance in the Philippines. The text presented here is an excerpt from a conversation that Liliane Danso-Dahmen, regional director of the RLS office in Manila, had with Josua in October 2023. This conversation breaks down the role of…
Towards a just and sustainable energy sector
By Center for Environmental Concern |
In Pakil, Laguna, billionaire tycoon tycoon Enrique Razon’s Prime Metro Power Holdings Corp. and JBD Water Power are implementing a 1400 MW Ahunan Pumped-Storage Hydropower Project, also known as Ahunan Dam, on the east bank of Laguna de Bay. Over 300 hectares of land are expected to be impacted by the project. This will cause…
The Future of Climate Justice in the Philippines
By Antonio Gabriel M. La Viña |
Image by Greenpeace In February 1986, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in major regions of the Philippines to call for the ouster of Ferdinand Marcos. Widely known as a non-violent revolt, the so-called EDSA People Power Revolution struck the final blow to two decades of authoritarian rule and eventually paved the…
Cashing In on the Climate Crisis through Agricultural Digitalization
By ETC Group |
Cashing In on the Climate Crisis through Agricultural Digitalization, a new study from the ETC Group produced with support from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Southeast Asia Manila Office, explores how the climate crisis is being turned into an investment opportunity for financial actors, and how agricultural digitalization is facilitating the commodification of climate into assets…